




微信掃一掃 手機瀏覽模型

In Vertical Hydroponic System a nutritious solution is injected into the drip lines as soon as the water pump is turned on. The timer controls how often and for how long fertilizer is delivered to the plants. The drippe expose the growing media or the roots of plants to the nutrient solution. The nutrient solution circulates through the growth media, feeding nutrients to the plants. The surplus nutrient solution from the growth medium flows back into the reservoir. The air pump and ai tone deliver oxygen to the nutrient water in the reservoir. The pH and EC meter monito the pH and nutrient levels in the nutrition solution and makes any required modificatio. The spectrum and inteity of light provided by the LED grow lights are ideal for the growth of plants. Heate and coole are used to control the temperature and humidity of the growth space. Seo, relays, controlle, and time are used to regulate the lighting, delivery of nutrients, and other system components.