




微信掃一掃 手機瀏覽模型

Go-Kart, a compact four-wheeled vehicle powered by an engine or motor. This CAD model represents our Final Year Project “Compreheive Design, Analysis, And Fabrication Of an E-Go-Kart” intending to make it durable, safe ergonomic, lightweight, and high-performance. Our design journey began with an exteive exploration of existing Go-Kart models, complemented by a compreheive study of racing regulatio. The initial design underwent rigorous examinatio through computer simulatio to eure both safety and peak performance. We employed divee fabrication techniques, including welding, machining, and assembly, attentively assessing every component to meet the proper quality standards. Thorough testing procedures were executed before the Go-Kart’s initial travel. The project's ultimate aspiration was to birth a Go-Kart that seamlessly blends driving enjoyment with competitive prowess, accomplished by utilizing engineering principles and materials. Our exhaustive documentation paves the way for valuable iights to be shared within the Go-Karting community, contributing to the collective knowledge base. This documentation will also provide you with an economic analysis showing how beneficial it will be if it is introduced for entertainment purposes.