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Note: This is a Work In Progress ! Here is depicted the solution concept and this will be finalized and detailled further.My innovative stowage solution for the Gateway Logistics Module leverages a sliding radial shelving system to optimize cargo organization and streamline astronaut access. Key features include:Sliding Radial Design:Utilizes only three sliding radial sectio, significantly reducing complexity and weight.Enables quick and easy access to all laye of Cargo Trafer Bags (CTBs) for efficient use of astronaut time.Maximizes volume utilization by packing CTBs on both sides of the radial sectio.Composite Materials Assembly:Employs lightweight and durable composite materials for the radial sectio, euring structural integrity while minimizing overall weight.Integrates sliding rails into the main structure to eliminate unnecessary weight, contributing to enhanced launch mass capacity.Enhances system feasibility by utilizing currently available materials and engineering principles.Efficient Crew Access:Prioritizes crew time with a user-friendly design, minimizing the need for tools during cargo retrieval.Incorporates a radial sliding mechanism, allowing astronauts to easily reach items stored at various depths within the module.Implements a visual indicator system for secure closure, further enhancing crew efficiency.Volume Optimization:Adopts a space-efficient radial layout, optimizing cargo volume within the limited confines of the module.Utilizes a sliding tray system for each CTB, facilitating easy access and maximizing storage capacity.Maintai the specified tralation path cross-section, euring unobstructed crew access to critical areas.Mass Optimization:Prioritizes lightweight composite materials for radial sectio, contributing to a reduction in overall stowage system mass.Integrates the sliding rails into the main structure to further minimize unnecessary weight.Balances structural integrity with system mass to enhance launch capability for cargo.